The Dead Marshes - LOTR LCG Progression Series #8
TheHiveTyrant 2591
A pair of decks intended to be played against The Dead Marshes, for use in the Lord of the Rings: the Card Game Progression Series. This is a very willpower-intensive quest, so attempt to get Unexpected Courage on Eowyn and/or Fast Hitch on Frodo Baggins as quickly as possible. Steward of Gondor placed upon Beravor will allow for the funding of powerful Lore allies, and Song of Travel will enable her to assist the Spirit heroes with getting out Northern Trackers. Because the length of this scenario can at times be extreme, it is of paramount importance to use Gandalf for the purposes of threat reduction, and to never discard The Galadhrim's Greeting to Eowyn. Combat is exceptionally light in this scenario, but Aragorn should generally use his ability so as to commit to Escape Tests. If you are unlucky enough to encounter a Hill Troll, dig for a copy of Forest Snare, engage it, and then leave it trapped and forgotten forever. Hopefully Gollum will not escape into the encounter deck, but if he does, hopefully you won't end up discarding him as a shadow card, or as part of an Escape Test. Note that there are almost no shadow effects in the entire encounter deck, so Hasty Stroke is largely unnecessary against this scenario. Grim Resolve and Rear Guard are included in the combat deck as cards meant to be played in order to finish the quest card 2B Escape Test. Good luck!