The Line Unbroken - Battle of Lake-Town
Warden of Arnor 6024
The Line Unbroken is my Progression-style playthrough of the LOTR LCG - two-handed, going through each quest using only cards which were available at the time of the release (though following up-to-date rules/errata), and trying to show off as much of the card pool as possible, including for the vast majority of the quests, using the new hero(es) in the boxes where they were released.
These were the pair of decks for Battle of Lake-Town.
Youtube playthrough:
Do you have a specific strategy when using these decks? I would imagine that Frodo is the main defender (using Arwen to make him sentinel for the other deck), while the tactics deck is for combat. Any other strategies to know? For example, how often or when you should put Smaug in the staging area vs. engage him? I've tried 10 times with this scenario and lost them all. Ready to give up on this soon and declare it as an unwinnable scenario.