Fellowship Version Three: Electric Chickadee


My current Fellowship I am using and hoping/planning to not change at all for a while after many revisions and changes.

See each deck for a specific overview of that deck.

I am currently using these to try and beat/revisit every quest in the game in normal and nightmare mode whilst also taking on a Nightmare Saga Campaign.

I am planning on using The Three Hunters and The White Council two-handed up until Breaking of the Fellowship at which point these will serve as the two decks on Aragorn's Path and I will use the Silvan deck true-solo as the deck on Frodo's Path. I may potentially have to change this plan or at least consider some changes and edits to the Silvan deck depending on how hard certain parts of Frodo's Path are in Nightmare Mode. When not playing the Saga Campaign and playing any other quest, cycle, whatever, I use a combination of any two decks Two-Handed Solo or Two Player with a friend, generally the first two decks together but on occasion one of them and the Silvan Deck.

I have never played different decks for each group/path in the Saga Campaign (Frodo/Aragorn) and even though I may not be playing the most thematic decks ever to me this will be a pretty big thematic win. It will also allow me the option to play Mount Doom and The Black Gate in Epic Multiplayer Mode at the same time which is also something I have not done before. I am planning to create some posts for my old blog regarding the rest of my Nightmare Saga Campaign and a catch up on the Journey so far (Currently up to The Ring Goes South). https://warriorsofthewestblog.wordpress.com