QotW: Passage Through Mirkwood - Round 1 KO

McDog3 484


The community discord came up with a wonderful idea of introducing "quest of the week"s where a quest is picked and the community plays it, gives back reports on how it went, and there are a few side achievements that can be strived for as well. First up is the Core + Dark of Mirkwood campaign, so Passage Through Mirkwood is the initial stop. I've built a meme team here where the simple idea is to win the quest on the first round. All it needs is for the questing deck to mulligan for Nenya. I rounded out each deck with unplayable cards, who needs more cards! :)


  1. Play The One Ring on Frodo, then Power of Command and Nenya (saving Frodo's resource)
  2. Commit Rosie, Frodo and Eowyn to the quest (9 total committed)
  3. Trigger Power of Command, adding one willpower to Galadriel and Rosie (10 total committed)
  4. Trigger Frodo to ready Rosie
  5. Trigger Nenya to add 5 willpower to Rosie (15 total committed)
  6. Trigger Rosie to add 8 willpower to herself (23 total committed)
  7. Absolutely smash through stage 1
  8. Have the attacker deck engage an enemy (a puny spider hopefully)
  9. Take the enemy attack undefended (it's okay, Aragorn has 5 hp for a reason)
  10. Attack back with Legolas and Aragorn, destroying it
  11. Trigger Legolas' response to add 2 progress to stage 2 and advance to stage 3 (NOTE: This is where RNG comes in, it's a 50% chance to get the stage 3 card required to win round 1, you need the stage where the objective is to destroy Ungoliant's Spawn)
  12. Assuming you got the correct stage 3 and Ungoliant's spawn is now in the staging area, trigger Aragorn's response to engage Ungoliant's Spawn
  13. Trigger Eowyn to have exactly the 10 required to kill Ungoliant's Spawn (remember Aragorn provides -1 to the enemy)

This hero lineup can beat nightmare as well, however the combat deck needs to be slightly less memey. You'll need to find a card to play that provides additional , whether it's an attachment that can go on Eowyn or an ally. (Ungoliant's Spawn has one additional HP, so Eowyn herself is unfortunately unable to destroy it.)


May 31, 2024 AutumnRose 1510

INCREDIBLE fellowship, 10/10 perfect ally choices.

May 31, 2024 doomguard 2221

and u can evan make it better, put in also 3 copies of Nenya in the tactic-deck. else u have only about 50 % to get it 1. round.

May 31, 2024 Marctimmins89 116

I personally really like the selection of Tactics allies for the questing deck and the Spirit allies with the tactics heroes. Wonderfully thought out.

May 31, 2024 DunYoss 63

Cool ideas. I was wondering if QotW was allowing all cards or only a limited card pool.

May 31, 2024 Marctimmins89 116

Play with anything you like. Details are on the Cardboard of the Rings discord.