Saga The Fellowship Deck


Tuning with coreset, Saga The Fellowship and Elf Starter Deck.

  1. Including uncommonly chosen Galadhon Archer and Rúmil in Hobbit deck simply due to they are best red alleys I had at the moment and they can combo with Hands Upon the Bow to do damage to enemy when they are still in staging area. Staying proactive is my preference.

Adding quick strike I admit is a foolish decision. Feint is a better solution. Feint suits Hobbit since they are pro to avoid straight fight.

One copy Daeron's Runes allow you pay 0 mana, draw 2 then discard 1. The best option when building with coreset, and elf starter deck. However, I will have a second thought if I had choosen to buy other expansions and Gondor Defender Starter Deck to supplement my card pool before solving The Fellowship puzzles.

  1. As for elf starter deck, a modificaion needed of course for The Fellowship all six quests. 3 copies of A Test of Will needed since they are hard counter. Frodo's soft counter will shuffle trechery encounter card in encounter decks and reveal a new encounter. This soft counter is risky and cannot solve tough issues once and for all. Hard counter is a must for this deck.

Hasty Stroke can be accessed by even new players and they are shadow cards killer. 3 copies Hasty Stroke to respect the insance Saga Shadow cards.

2 copies Fellowship of the Ring simply to exploit the resource on Frodo and making quest more easier. Well, in episode 5, they shall be replaced by 2 copies Fortune or Fate to revive a hero from discard pile after discarding him or her to remove Balrog‘s immortality!

The charming part of the game is deck building and improvement of decks. After questing all six episodes for almost 4 times, the above creation finalized and still have flaws and have to be modified with new cards.

Hope you guys enjoy the game like me. Peace!


Jun 20, 2024 SKing 1

These decks are super rough. They are both completely contingent on drawing an early Steward of Gondor, which only one of them can have during gameplay. Also, be very careful running a super low threat deck with a higher threat deck. Especially one with low defense. All those enemies the Hobbits dodge going to be landing in Galds lap.

Biggest problems Hobbit side

  • Too many expensive allies for a 3 color deck. Elf-Stone can only put in so much work.
  • Not sure Butterbur is worth it, if you don't need the Hobbit trait
  • Beorn is way overrated
  • Boromir is my boy! But I'd stay away from playing 3 copies of unique allies that don't die/discard often
  • Horn of Gondor hasn't performed for me. Maybe you have better luck.
  • Wtf is Rumil doing in this deck? Cut him.
  • Swift Strike is another weird one. Maybe teamed up with your Elf Ranged second deck it will do ok, but I think there is better stuff.
  • I love the the healing allies, but keep in mind, your Hobbits have 2 or 3 health. How much value are you going to get out of heals? Dodging damage, or preventing damage is your friend. (Armor, Feint, ETB Sacking allies, etc..)

Elf Side

  • I made this deck before. It can sing. Take out anything that isn't free or giving you another action.
  • Don't need the counter magic
  • Need that event (forgot the name) Exhaust 2 allies to pull allies for their cost of the top of your deck. It is a purple one.

Both decks

  • Cram? Both rocking purple, stuff Cram in there.
  • I've stopped playing Steward of Gondor. It is obviously a mistake and becomes a crouch.
  • Work on your synergy between decks. You have some, with the damage ETBs from the Hobbit side and the Ranged on the Elf side. But you can do so much more.
  • Consider dropping the 3rd color from both decks. 2 color decks are so much easier to manage and can play those higher cost Allies more reliably.

Anyway good luck out there.

Jun 24, 2024 The Ring Maker_007 2

Thanks for your comment.

  1. I defeated all 6 episodes with coreset, the fellowship cards and elf starter deck. I had good luck and is having more luck coming

  2. As a TCG player, I prefer to build decks which draw more cards and give me more options, and then Horn of Gondor and Steward of Gondor drawed quickly and being used quickly. Also, resource management skill requires you to be patient and holding for a while and that's a basic you must know

  3. In your logic, the hobbits are fragile then read Butterbur. You can declare no defender but let Butterbur to take all damage. That's why a lot of Hobbit deck builder include him right?

  4. Beorn is strong and can be played by elf stone. Card drawing ability from Pippin and elf's Galadriel allows Hobbits to draw alot. Galadriel can allow elf draw two cards instead of one a turn.

  5. Boromir due to card pool and Hobbit's low threat, 3 copies is fine for The Fellowship

  6. The Red elf ranger they combo with Hands Upon the Bow to damage to enemies in staging area, and the elf deck Haldir Hero can do damage to staging area enemy. Hobbits are fragile and then why fighting in so straightforward way?

Also, Rumil is another card to pairs with Haldir and Hands on the Bow damaging staging are enemy. Damaging staging area enemy important especially in Episode 2

  1. Counter magic needed. I know Frodo's ablity can cancel reveal effect, however, the price is to shuffle the countered encounter with "reveal" back and then draw a new encounter.

Well, the new encounter you draw can be evern worse or the same. It happened not in my first deck building try run play, then hard counter 3 most threatening cards is necessary

You have to hold the hard counter magic patiently until the right moment come.

Thanks for your comment and as friendly gesture, Steward of Gondor is the best card recognized in the forum's super good players and Youtubers. Having engouh card draw and resouce is the key to win

Your comment for Swift Strike is right and I already admitted in my post that I found out they should be replaced by a card named Feint after I sucessfully accomplish all 6 episodes of the Fellowship

Good luck for you too and hope you enjoy the game. The post of mine is simply to backup my decks and glad to have comment here. Thanks Bro and wish you a good day