One Fellowship

siroma 7


Current Fellowship I am playing through all scenarios on the hardest difficulties available without changing ANY cards/heroes between scenarios. (Yes, 4-handed, I'm a psychopath)

Deckbuilding Restrictions - All decks must have a different contract, and no cards can be changed between scenarios.

Because no cards are being changed - lots of heroes that are objectives in certain scenarios, and all the ringbearers and The One Ring cannot be included. Non-hero cards of objectives can be included, but obviously cannot be played in their respective scenarios.

Current Progress - (End threat, Win/Loss, End-Turn, VP, # of attempts before success)

                        BoF TH  F   BT  W/L Turn    VP  Attempts

Passage Through Mirkwood 44 47 39 42 Win 4 0 1

Journey Along The Anduin 35 38 32 32 Win 5 17 1

Escape from Dol Guldur 39 37 38 37 Win 3 0 2

The Hunt for Gollum 46 43 35 45 Win 6 0 1

Conflict at the Carrock 38 32 35 40 Win 5 23 1

A Journey to Rhosgobel 43 46 48 40 Win 4 4 1

The Hills of Emyn Muil 27 28 31 32 Win 4 22 1

The Dead Marshes 35 37 42 32 Win 2 0 1

Return to Mirkwood 32 35 31 40 Win 6 14 1

Into the Pit 42 40 42 43 Win 10 8 1


Jul 11, 2024 Flrbb 170

Insane. :D Good luck!