Angmar Awakened - 2 Players
Warrior07 42
Combat Team
Aragorn: War Axe, Steed of the North, Rohan Warhorse, 2x Dagger of Westernesse, Golden Belt, Arod, Roheryn, Sword that was Broken, Ring of Barahir, Unexpected Courage
Elladan: War Axe, Steed of the North, Rohan Warhorse, Dagger of Westernesse, Rivendell Blade, Golden Belt, Unexpected Courage
Elrohir: Ancestral Armor, Armored Destrier, Round Shield, Steed of the North, Elven Mail/Shining Shield, Golden Belt, 3x Dúnedain Warning, Unexpected Courage
Questing Team
Arwen Undómiel: Silver Circlet, Silver Harp, Steed of Imladris, Celebrían´s Stone, Strider
Glorfindel: Silver Circlet, Silver Harp, Steed of Imladris, Windfola, Asfaloth, Light of Valinor
Thurindir: 3x Legacy Blade, Stone of Elostirion, Dúnedain Cache