Quest for the Lonely Mountain - Hobbit Saga 2 Players
Warrior07 42
Balin: Ancestral Armor, Dwarven Shield, Ring Mail, Golden Belt, Dúnedain Warning, Self Preservation, Unexpected Courage, Ever My Hurt Rises
Thorin Oakenshield: Durin´s Axe, Glamdring, Orcrist, Golden Belt, Hardy Leadership, King Under the Mountain, Unexpected Courage, The Arkenstone, Ever My Hurt Rises
Bilbo Baggins (Saga): Sting
Necklace of Girion is situational (can go on any hero).
Bombur: A Burning Brand, Armor of Erebor, Round Shield, Golden Belt, Mithril Shirt, Dúnedain Warning, Self Preservation, Unexpected Courage
Legacy of Durin and Stone of Elostirion are situational, as well as the third Ever My Hurt Rises (can go on any hero).