Four Players, Four Spheres
Warrior07 42
Frodo - Celebrían´s Stone, Red Book of Westmarch , Friend of Friends
Gildor Inglorion – Steward of Gondor
Sam Gamgee - Ancestral Armor, Staff of Lebethron , Friend of Friends, Hobbit Cloak
Aragorn – Steed of the North, Rohan Warhorse, War Axe, Golden Belt, Arod, Sword that was Broken
Éowyn – Herugrim, Snowmane
Beregond - Armored Destrier, Gondorian Shield, Round Shield, Golden Belt, 3x Dúnedain Warning, Hauberk of Mail, The Day´s Rising, Unexpected Courage
Arwen Undómiel – Windfola, Silver Circlet
Galadriel – Silver Harp, Mirror of Galadriel, Nenya, Unexpected Courage
Glorfindel - Steed of Imladris, Silver Circlet, Rivendell Bow, Light of Valinor, Asfaloth
Haldir of Lórien - 3x Bow of the Galadhrim, Golden Belt, Rivendell Bow, Unexpected Courage, Leather Boots
Thurindir- 2x Legacy Blade, Dúnedain Cache, Leather Boots, Wingfoot