Grimbeorn's Elf Friends

troylow 23


Elrond's deck is designed for Silvan bouncing and using Galadriel + Celeborn's ability to have allies quest for a huge amount. Play Host of Galadhrim for a Quest Push and the bonus is that you can use the non-exhausted elves for combat/chump blocking. The weakness of this deck is treachery cards that deal damage to all exhausted enemies, this can kill off your elf swarm. Not drawing nenya/o lorien would also be bad. Try to thin your deck down as much as possible with tree people and galadhrim ministrel to increase your chances of drawing them.

Mulligan for O'Lorien and Nenya.

Other uses: You can use Naith Guide to use Galadriel's ability for card draw and still have her quest.

Extra fun: Can consider putting Message For Elrond into the deck for some interesting card interactions between the two decks. This card will act as a fail-safe in some scenarios.

Grimbeorn's deck is designed to make use of Celeborn's extra stats and Thranduil's ability to play elfs without resource matching. Most of the time you would be playing allies only in the Combat Phase and would use the resource phase just for playing attachments.

Put Elf-Friend onto Grimbeorn and Elrond so that they can make use of Silvan Tracker to passively heal 2hp per round (due to Elrond). Elven Mail would be great on Greenwood Defender, Elrond, Celeborn and Grimbeorn (If u didnt draw Raiment of War early). Raiment of War can be used on Grimbeorn, Greenwood defenders mainly. The weakness of this deck is nasty shadow effects as there is no shadow effect cancellation. Mulligan for Raiment of War and place it on Grimbeorn if possible.

This fellowship would benefit greatly if I can use more than 3 copies of allies and if Silverlode Archer and Defender Of The Naith wasn't so weak.

EDIT: Second iteration, mainly replaced hithlain with unexpected courage, defender of rammas with mirkwood runner, blade mastery with quick strike