The Fellowship Sets Out (Saga Campaign)
WanderingTook 1407
The two decks that I used in my LoTR saga campaign to get through the first two quests in The Road Darkens.
For thematic purposes, all of my heroes are drawn from the nine walkers. At the time of creation, the only spirit hero available from the fellowship was Pippin, hence his inclusion.
For context, I chose the following boons in my campaign:
- Gildor Inglorian
- Noble Hero (Pippin)
- Glamdring and Anduril (Fool of a Took)
- Sting (Small Targets)
- I used Frodo (TRD) as my Ringbearer.
- Fool of a Took should mulligan for Expert Treasure Hunter and A Test of Will.
- Small Targets should mulligan for Steward of Gondor and Frodo's Intuition.
- Steward of Gondor, Gondorian Shield, Blood of Numenor, A Burning Brand, and all Unexpected Courages go on Aragorn to turn him into a super defender.
- If possible, a shield can go on ally Boromir to defend against mid-power enemies.
- If Pippin has earned the Noble Hero boon, Gandalf can give him a resource by playing Envoy of Pelargir.
- Save all copies of A Test of Will until you absolutely need it. In a pinch, you can also reserve Frodo to cancel attacks from boss enemies.
- Merry and Gimli make quite a pair. Gimli can soak up some direct damage to boost his attack, and Merry can ensure that the dwarf gets off multiple attacks.
This fellowship got me though The Ring Goes South and Journey in the Dark. In the latter, I sacrificed Gandalf to defeat the Balrog.
Thanks for sharing this! I'm excited to run through the LOTR Saga's with a thematic deck. Do you have any suggestions about what cards I could take out of the Small Targets deck, to add in ally Legolas and Arod, and not mess with the integrity of the deck? Thanks!