The Seventh Level - Progression Series #12
TheHiveTyrant 2591
A pair of decks intended to be played against The Seventh Level, for use in the Lord of the Rings: The Card Game Progression Series.
This is a very simple scenario - you face an encounter deck full of low hit point Goblins, and with scant few locations or treacheries. Further, no more than three enemies possess greater than 2 HP; for this reason, Thalin should always be committed to the quest, and opening-hand mulligans and Beravor should all be used to dig for copies of Gondorian Spearman as quickly as possible. There are only two shadow cards that increase attack strength in the encounter deck, so Boromir can be used liberally for defense; Frodo Baggins can primarily quest, yet help guard against occasional disaster as necessary. Sneak Attack plus Longbeard Orc Slayer can serve as a fantastic board-wipe in conjunction with Thalin, and Boromir, in a crisis, can be discarded to destroy almost all enemies engaged with his controlling player.
Cards effects such as Khazad! Khazad! and Vassal of the Windlord in either deck should allow the players to easily handle a Cave Troll, should one be engaged, and generally, they should probably build up their board state during quest phase one before transitioning to two and attempting to finish the scenario as quickly as possible. The Book of Mazarbul should be attached to Dain Ironfoot (an almost invincible defender in this quest), as should Steward of Gondor and Song of Battle. In the combat deck, Song of Travel should similarly be attached to Gimli, as he is less likely to be removed from play than Boromir. Mind your threat totals, in case of Hidden Threat being revealed in an untimely fashion, but overall, this quest will likely be short and sweet. Good luck!