Flight from Moria - Progression Series #13
TheHiveTyrant 2591
A pair of decks intended to be played against Flight from Moria, for use in the Lord of the Rings: The Card Game Progression Series.
This quest boasts another 1 and 2 HP enemy-rich encounter deck that allows Thalin and Gondorian Spearman to shine, so ensure that you are always committing that hero to the quest. However, when possible, avoid completing any quest phase two cards, as you want to minimize the number of victory points you acquire. As Sudden Pitfall again poses a threat, consider questing with 0 attack strength allies such as Snowbourn Scout and Vassal of the Windlord. If the threat value associated with The Nameless Fear does get out of hand, use card effects such as Frodo Baggins plus threat reduction, or ideally, a high-HP hero augmented with Citadel Plate, to endure a large amount of damage. If absolutely necessary, opt to allow an already heavily damaged (or no longer necessary), hero to die.
These decks were designed to facilitate victory through the "Escape from Darkness" quest card; simply affix Abandoned Tools to Boromir, and exhaust him repeatedly during the Refresh phase action window until you complete the scenario. Save copies of A Test of Will to cancel either Dark and Dreadful or New Devilry - the latter treachery can delay the scenario significantly by forcing you to shuffle your victory condition back into the quest deck. Keep threat values under 38 to avoid the Great Cave-Troll enemy, but given how much threat reduction is available between both decks, don't be afraid to use Boromir liberally to defend against and dispatch weak Goblin enemies.
Steward of Gondor is best played upon Frodo Baggins, along with Song of Wisdom, and Horn of Gondor is best placed on Dwalin; Song of Travel should be added to either Tactics hero, when possible. Use Longbeard Orc Slayer (and even Boromir, if absolutely necessary), to eliminate Goblins en masse, and The Riddermark's Finest can counter Plundered Armoury. Good luck!