The Redhorn Gate - Progression Series #14
TheHiveTyrant 2591
A pair of decks intended to be played against The Redhorn Gate, for use in the Lord of the Rings: The Card Game Progression Series.
The primary challenge presented by this scenario occurs during the third quest phase, while Caradhras is the active location; a ready Dain Ironfoot ensures that all Dwarves have more than 0 willpower (so they avoid being discarded), but the untimely reveal of one or more copies of Snowstorm can spell disaster. For this reason, play copies of Untroubled by Darkness prior to committing characters to the quest, and/or save A Test of Will for use at this time. Most shadow effects are in the form of small bonuses to enemy attack strength, so feel free to use inexpensive, 0 willpower allies to defend before they end up discarded upon reaching quest phase three.
Attempt to put Steward of Gondor on Dwalin (or Eowyn) as quickly as possible, and transfer excess resources to a Song of Travel laden Bifur. Avoid placing attachments on questing characters for fear of losing them to Black Uruks, and minimize stockpiling resources on heroes, lest they be lost to Bitter Winds. As a luxury, one copy of Shadow of the Past is included in each deck to retrieve victory point locations that are discarded in an untimely fashion. Forest Snare Mountain Wargs and Mountain Trolls as necessary.
Good luck!