Race Across Harad - Tortoise vs. the Hare

Denison 633


While it may seem impossible to start off Race Across Harad with a player side quest, using a first-turn Scout Ahead can really sabotage the trailing orcs. After a bit of experimentation, it's also helpful (probably inevitable) to face the Orc party on 3B before the final confrontation. Getting a healthy mix of tactics allies on the board and clearing out some of the orcs is necessary to avoid getting overwhelmed at the last stage. Ideally the Uruk Chieftan is left alone in the Orc staging area at the start of the last stage. The River Harnen forces another delay, so a 10+ orc party will outpace the player. The catch-up mechanics will ensure a close finish, but lulling the orcs into an initial false sense of security can pay off in the long run!

See individual deck descriptions for more strategic notes. Lots on 1x allies here as a result of ptsd from the last quest where I was using Argalad instead of Thurindir and trying to avoid the nasty effects of The Savage South.