The Carn Dum Killers
TalesftCards 7404
This is the pair of decks I used to finally beat Carn Dum two-handed. The Silvan deck is a well-balanced deck in terms of both questing and combat, which is helpful for the scenario. The other deck is a sniper build using Dunhere, and the idea is to take advantage of the high engagement cost of enemies in that quest to get rid of them in the staging area, which is one way to avoid shadow effect nastiness. One of the main roles of the Silvan deck is to help Dunhere get up and running, which it does through attaching Dunedain Mark and using Deep Knowledge to give the Dunhere deck the card draw it lacks. Haldir can also help with sniping duties. This wouldn't have been my first guess as to the decks that I would've used to beat Carn Dum, but it was a great feeling to win without relying on conventional power decks.