1 Core (Plus doubles) 3 Player Fellowship

kjncl 10


I'm introducing the game to some colleagues, I have single core set (plus an extra copy of the doubles, and 2 extra Gandalf's. After deck building I had 10 cards left over... I'll post updates to our decks as we unlock adventure packs. Right now they are thin, but as the cardpool expands, I expect things to get pretty interesting.


Dec 12, 2017 Wandalf the Gizzard 2562

I recommend swapping Dunhere for Eleanor. It can be hard to keep enemies in the staging area with high player counts and there will be more of a chance that a game-ending treachery will come up that Eleanor can ignore.

Dec 12, 2017 kjncl 10

@Wandalf the Gizzard Hmmm thats a good call, there was never an enemy in the staging area in our game for the first scenario. I'll make that change and see how it does along the anduin!

Dec 12, 2017 kjncl 10

Although I wonder if DĂșnhere would be good to pick off non-engaged bad guys in stage 2 of the journey along the anduin. (I think in almost every other scenario you are 100% correct)

Dec 12, 2017 Wandalf the Gizzard 2562

That's true! It's very fun to pick of those enemies sitting up there. In fact, I used Dunhere in my own two-handed and solo decks for Journey down the Anduin.