Dol Guldur 4 Player with Keen as Lances


My attempt to build a 4 player fellowship designed specifically to handle Dol Guldur, with a support/rossiel deck providing victory display/keen as lances support.

Mulligan and turn 1 goals for each deck: Keen as Lances for all decks Twins: Steward of Gondor, Weapon, Proud Hunters and Elven Mail Rohan: Sneak + Gandalf, rohan allies, maybe 1 copy of astonishing speed Friend Deck: Gondor Shield, Unexpected Courage, Weapon for Haldir Rossiel: Out of the Wild (#1 most important), Peace and Thought, Light of Valinor, Strider. Also important to keep in mind on turn 2 you need something to spend Folco's resource on that is not secrecy required, as you will either be at 21/22 threat before pitching him.

The Fellowship runs 9x Test of Wills. There are maybe 3 treacheries that are the absolute worst to see. Necromancer's Rage, Fear and Despair and Power Sevenfold; probably in that order. Power Sevenfold is perhaps not even a problem if this fellowship gets a decent to nuts start. Fastness of Mirkwood should only be mentioned (and cancelled) on the turn you are going to go crazy with astonishing speed and questing.

Immediate goals are to stabilize the board through Twins and Friend Deck (with some help from rossi and glorf if you got off to a crazy start) build up some rohan allies and land a monster quest turn on turn 3 with astonishing speed and test of will support to get the 30 progress required for host and power of lorien.

Mid to late game. Rossi + protector + burning brand + silvan cloak handles your scary attackers. chump block werewolves or block with a fully kitted out Beregond. Elrohir with 6 HP, 5 Defense is your global spam defender. Haldir prioritizes killing enemies in staging or engaged with rohan/Rossi decks, as elladan should be able to machine gun anything in front of the twins. Leave a weak enemy (Wargs who have surge) in front of the twins deck as halbarad quest fodder.

As to the final stages. My gut sense is that this fellowship wants to take the Sorcerer stage every time (and thus wants it's fellow teams to do it as well on their turns when it rotates). The attacks from the Sorcerer are fairly easily handled here, and you don't build quite as large of a board as other viable deck options (outlands or dwarves etc.) Following that, just do the quests in the order that helps your team the most.

Good luck, and may all your shadow cards be power sevenfold.


Jan 26, 2018 Wandalf the Gizzard 2562

Wow, these decks look pretty well suited for AoDG. I do have two suggestions, though. Blade of Gondolin is very good in this quest because you want as much progress as possible on the quest, and many enemies are orcs. Also, Guthwine or Gamling would make the Rohan deck much stronger and more reliable.

Jan 26, 2018 TripleARay 10

Great Suggestions! Guthwine has the ability to slot in on Theoden, so that would work just fine I think. It would also provide a soft outlet for purple resources as well. Blade of Gondolin I was thinking about when crafting a Sporcigorn deck for this team, but forgot that it would be great on these heroes as well! I will make that change for sure, especially as the +1 attack is almost always relevant. The Rivendell Blades don't effect the bosses so those are the most likely replacements. Thanks for your comments!