The Watcher in the Water 2P
Wandalf the Gizzard 2562
These are the decks I used to beat the Watcher in the Water two-handed, progression style. Deck one mulligans for some allies, preferably Arwen, and some threat reduction for itself. Deck two mulligans for some scrying
Stall on stage one for awhile until you’ve got a sizeable board and deck two’s threat is getting kind of high. Then advance, have deck one destroy the Watcher, and quest through next turn.
Some quick tips: 1) Arwen Undomiel is meant to target Boromir, so Aragorn can be freed up for attacking with Rivendell Bows 2) Don’t be afraid to use Denethor’s ability during combat, it’s worth it 3) If for some reason, you don’t know the top card of the encounter deck when triggering a tentacle’s ability, have a chump ready to take the punishment if it becomes necessary.