The west lead by Boromir of Gondor 2.0

Olander 139


This is a felllowship using mostly Gondor but with a smattering of others eg mostly Rohan. But it is the whole west so elves, Dunedain and dwarfs are there as well. But i want most of my characters to be affected by Boromirs (+1 attack) and Visionary Leadership(+1 Willpower).

Driving instructions

Support of the steward Steward and/or resorcefull goes on Damrod to pay for all the lore cards. Denethor mostly seends his rescources to the other decks. He should get a Gondorian shield and a Armored destier. Damrod Strider and the ranger spears. The bows end up on the ranger allies and Anborn Recycels traps when needed. Ping enermies in the staging area with your rangerbows. Mulligan for Steward, Visionary and Rescourcefull a trap is also nice to see.

Sisters in Arms Ring and key goes On Gloin, unexpected on Beregond. Light of valinor goes on Argalad, Snowmane on theoden along with a Golden shield and a armored destier from the other decks. Winfola goes on Eowyn.

Gondors Anvil Beregond is the star of the show he gets normaly 2-3 unexpeded a Song of Wisdom along with a brand, shield and spear. Argalad gets one or two Bows of the Gahladrim the rest goes on allies. Thalin always quests.

Hammer of Gondor Amaruthiel gets two swords, Gloin gets Two plates, king under the mountain and Narvis belt. Boromir gets a shield and the heir and can be readied with errand riders or his fathers gift. Boromir also gets the lord of Morthond and the visionary leadership from deck four.

Spare shields can go on eowyn and Eleanor, for shadow heay scenarios sub in Balin instead of Gloin and add Dwarfen shield? Condition heavy Throw in some miners and Power of Orthanc