Noldor, Rohan and Tooks! Oh my!

stokesbook 3145


This trio of decks had a rather breezy time, tackling the new Flight of the Stormcaller quest.

While the Dynamic Duo of Denethor and Pippin focused on chucking as many cards as possible into the victory display, the other two decks flitted between questing and combat excellently.

Ship choices: Scions of the House of El manned the Dawn Star. Helm! Helm! manned the Narelenya Fool of a Took manned the Dream-chaser

Although none of the decks started with what would be considered their ideal start, they managed to catch and subdue the Stormcaller by turn 5, ending in a truly epic YOLO quest phase, just as the Stormcaller was 2 progress shy of escaping to the final quest stage