The Fellowship of the Ring, without any rings that is


My first three player fellowship. And come on, 3x3 heroes. Nine walkers against nine riders. Doesn't everyone want to build this deck? The plan is to take hits with Frodo, and undoing his threat with Loragorn. Merry keeps Gandalfs threat in check. All reducing cards should therefore be used to save Boromir from the lure of the Ring.

I think this deck explains itself. Try to get Gondorian Shield and sentinel on Boromir. Kill things with Gimli and Legolas and the other go questing when possible. When playing with a Saga-Frodo, you could trade him in for Fatty Bolger (stay in theme), Glorfindel (power!) or Eleanor. When playing with a SagAgorn, I'd look for Faramir, Treebeard or perhaps Folco and just run full secrecy.