Thematic Saga - Passing of the Grey Company
Tubarush 465
This is the Fellowship I used for Passing of the Grey Company in my Thematic Saga run (which includes the 2 PoD quests that are inserted after the 1st quest in Black Riders. I won 2 out of 4 on Normal Mode with this Fellowship. I have 2 core sets and used cards thru the Haradrim cycle. The beginning of my Saga run is here: The previous quest, Shelob's Lair, is here:
Boons: Brace Of Coneys (x2) (not used), Anduril, Sting (not used), Old Bogey-Stories, Tireless Ranger (Sam - not used), Noble Hero (Aragorn), Mithril Shirt (not used), Glamdring (not used), Leader of Men (Aragorn), Intimidation (Legolas - not used)
Burdens: The Searching Eye (x2), Gandalf's Delay, Panicked, Overcome By Terror, Fear of Discovery, Pursued By The Enemy, Overcome By Grief, Ill Fate
Boromir did not succumb to the ring in my Saga run, so he is included here.
Not too much you can include thematically here since I'm dealing with 2 decks, so I decided to set up my hero list for the later quests --- using Rohan and Gondor decks --- and happened to use the same hero list as what FFG provided in their sample decklists.
This quest is mostly about threat management. I did use the voluntary threat bumps in the beginning of the game (to get Anduril and then to give everyone resources), but after that I tried to be very careful. Removed "Overcome By Fear" as soon as I could, and ended the game with them both unattached, so they will not be Burdens. I did defeat Army of the Dead (once on the very round they showed up), so I will have them as a Boon in the future.
The 2 losses I had --- one was due to a bad shadow effect I was unprepared for and the other was due to some major rules mistakes on my part. This quest ended up being easier than I expected -- just manage the threat level. The other challenge is if the locations and enemies clump up --- drawing only locations and then later drawing only enemies. That can make it tough. If you draw them at a fairly even rate, this quest should go quite smoothly.