Flight from Moria - Progression
nttArc 244
We went into this fully expecting to lose a few games and maybe tweak the decks a bit. First game seemed to confirm our suspicions, lost a hero early before we had much of anything else on the board. However, we surprisingly did very well the second game. It wasn't a walk in the park, but we quickly got a large board of allies and attachments and very much felt as though we were in the driver's seat the rest of the game. We won using the abandoned tools. The other avenue of winning seems to risky or at least difficult and would certainly require different deck building. The hallmark of this fellowship is the thalin + gondorian spearman combo to take out those low health squishy orcs and stop the archers in their tracks before they start hanging out in the staging area. Splashed some spirit into both decks for lots of cancellation for all those treacheries (at least those that you're allowed to cancel). This turned out to be a pretty fun one but I can definitely see how this could turn into a struggle to get through the quest deck.