The Long Dark - Progression
nttArc 244
This scenario, in my opinion, has a really crappy mechanic: locate tests. I think that it would be better if there were a little more cards with PASS printed on them. Not to make it easier, but so that locate test aren't arbitrarily is just not realistic to pass them often or you have to discard an absurd number of cards to pass. If there were a few more PASS cards it could be an interesting choice to keep going to try and pass, as is though it is just dumb. Not worth trying to pass unless 1) you just happen to have an extra unique card that you already played (like Steward of Gondor) and don't need to discard for Eowyn or 2) you used Henamarth Riversong or some other scrying effect at an appropriate action window where you just happen to know that the next card is in fact a PASS and you only have to discard once. All this being said, we had just about the easiest go of it that you could. The first few rounds of staging were enemy heavy. We didn't get any of the bad treacheries at first, locations didn't start piling up until mid to late game and very few had lost effects. We didn't have to get forced to do a locate test except when we changed from quest card 1 to 2 (I think) and when we did we had already cleared all the lost effects in play and none more came off when we added cards for quest 2 before triggering lost effects. And then when we finally got one of the real bad treacheries, we were able to cancel it. Now we did have a few challenges still, one of the trolls was in our staging area but we just left it there (our threat was low enough) and we left the location that requires locate tests to place progress in the staging area. Both of these things meant we had to quest even harder to get past all the threat that was piling up in the staging area. In hindsight, I probably would have swapped Bifur for Beravor or Bilbo (Probably Beravor) for some extra card draw. Even without locate tests you will discard a lot to spiders and such so more cards would be good. Katherine ended up with an empty hand at the end. Also, we had thought about putting spirit in both decks for more A Test of Will and Hasty Stroke but decided to put both in one deck to pay for higher cost cards like Northern Tracker...well it turned out we decided not to take Northern Tracker (mainly because of the aforementioned location) and therefore we probably should have rebuilt decks with spirit on both sides. Therefore, when we begrudgingly get to the nightmare version I will rebuild these decks with those considerations in mind.