Crimson Skies Fellowship
GrandSpleen 1438
A 4-player fellowship centered on the idea of applying many direct damage effects.
Untested, and mainly the product of being confined to a couch for baby nap-time duty several times over the holidays. Willpower is likely to be a shortfall of the fellowship as a whole.
Target Painting (Argalad/Idraen/Lanwyn): a Scout deck. Willpower and location control. Direct damage provided by Argalad.
Aerial Support (Thalin/Hirgon/Radagast): combat deck with low-medium willpower. Thalin, Descendants of Thorondor, and Hail of Stones provide direct damage.
Precision Strikes (Bilbo/Tom/Galadriel): medium/low willpower in a combat support deck. Bilbo provides direct damage support, as do Sting, Gondorian Spearmen, Spears of the Citadel, and Farmer Maggot.
Carpet Bombs (Celeborn/Legolas/Thranduil): Silvan deck with ranged combat focus, can provide low willpower. Direct damage provided by Galadhon Archer, Rumil, and the 'ranged' direct damage events: Skyward Volley, Rain of Arrows, and the Silvan event Pursuing the Enemy.
I love it when a plan comes together.