The Western Fellowship: Saga


Four decks built out of one collection. Each deck is relatively self-sufficient, able to quest and fight on its own.

Gondor: Hirluin gets Steward of Gondor, and rushes to play as many Outlands allies as possible. Beregond can become an invincible defender, while Boromir can attack or defend. This deck is weak in terms of questing, especially early on, but as the Outlands engine churns up it should have no problem dumping Willpower into the pool.

Erebor: Once a single dwarf ally is played, this deck gets an additional resource and an additional card each round. Decent questing off the bat. Bombur is able to defend, but not well -- he needs Self Preservation and Protector of Lorien to stay safe. Sneak Attack Gandalf smooths over the bumps in this deck, while it builds another ally engine.

Shire: Deceptively strong, Merry and Sam both become fearsome with attachment and event support. Relies on keeping a low threat, which shouldn't be too hard with the Shirefolk. Treebeard helps pay for Ent allies, which provides some slight resource smoothing.

Rohan: Another well-rounded deck. If the Gondor deck focuses more on combat defense, this deck focuses more on combat offense. Theoden needs Golden Shield to be a serviceable defender, but with a little support Eowyn and Eomer can absolutely demolish bad guys. This deck has decent questing out of the gate, and can build a respectable ally pool.

These decks should all pair with each other, no problems. Two "Men" deck for Josh, and Brian can play the Dwarves or the Hobbits.