Border Patrols of the Elven Kingdoms

Fredmans 102


These decks were built to tandem each other well, and I played them through the three core quests. I am much blissed with just large enough of a card pool to start removing some of my untouchable cards. This time, Sneak Attack and Gandalf. The Sons of Rivendell deck try to put out weapons to play their weapons events (card draw, damage, resource, or auto-kill). The Straight Shot with a Rivendell Blade in play makes it possible to auto-kill any non-unique enemy with Defense 3 or lower (with Aragorn's ability). Elladan's ability to keep slashing, makes it possible to kill a lot of enemies. The deck is quite cheap to keep resources on Elrohir and Elladan for defense and offense, although some allies are expensive, but I get two Tactics' resources and possibly three Leadership resources every turn if I need them.

The Silvan deck relies on Silvan tricks (removing and adding allies to trigger abilities). Wingfoot primarily goes on Haldir to use his Ranged attack. Unexpected Courage can go to Galadriel or Rossiel depending on quest, or Aragorn. The other theme is the new (to me) ability to add cards to the victory display, so this is an attempt to try it out for fun. Galadriel really needs Nenya in this deck, so I added Gather Information as a means to find it. I also added Song of Kings to help getting some Feigned Voices and a copy of O Lorien out. The Rivendell Minstrels were added to help me find them quickly. I have had great fun with the decks so far.