white council (with little support)

doomguard 2171


the inner circle of the white council assamble, and with little help if the loyalest warrior and a hobbit, they are ready to try every task.

1 courage (perhaps not the first?)on galadriel, up to 5 on beregond, who with ring and inner strength and later on well preserved, defend everything. much healing helps against dragonfire or archery. locationcontrol with rhovanion outrider.

moderate starting-thread for 2 istari and elrond.

willpower 1. round: 8 + what vilya put in, or elrond (3) + possible narya (4) 15 +allys

early deep knowledge and legacy of numenor helps to setup fast.

bilbo searches gandalfs pipe from the start.

  • some nice little tricks:
  • beorn-skinchanger,
  • mirror-harp and word of command to set it up early,
  • cheap readying for saruman through doomed,
  • only -1 threadreducton at saruman(galadriel, maiden, beregond),
  • vilya used after pipe or gildor
  • steward playable with gandalf

some suggestions, what can make this fellowship better?


Jul 03, 2020 doomguard 2171

they have made belegost in the 2. trial. mirrorsetup is to expensive, i discard it for more defiant challenge an 1runes more.

outrider in the sarumandeck also to expensive, replaced them with lembas, additional hound and a dwarven tomb

Jul 03, 2020 doomguard 2171

they have made belegost in the 2. trial. mirrorsetup is to expensive, i discard it for more defiant challenge an 1runes more.

outrider in the sarumandeck also to expensive, replaced them with lembas, henemarth and a dwarven tomb