12 cards

Name Sphere Type Traits Set
(MotK) Galion Silvan. Messenger of the King Allies 63
(MotK) Ioreth Gondor. Healer. Messenger of the King Allies 117
(MotK) Gaffer Gamgee Hobbit. Messenger of the King Allies 115
(MotK) Gléowine Minstrel. Rohan. Messenger of the King Allies 62
(MotK) Henamarth Riversong Silvan. Messenger of the King Allies 60
(MotK) Bilbo Baggins Hobbit. Messenger of the King Allies 6
(MotK) Bill the Pony Creature. Pony. Messenger of the King Allies 6
(MotK) Bombur Dwarf. Messenger of the King Allies 35
(MotK) Ghân-buri-Ghân Wose. Messenger of the King Allies 7
(MotK) Merry Hobbit. Messenger of the King Allies 3
(MotK) Pippin Hobbit. Messenger of the King Allies 4
(MotK) Rosie Cotton Hobbit. Messenger of the King Allies 5

12 cards