Dúnedain Message

Event. Cost: 1.


Action: Search your deck for a side quest and add it to your hand. Shuffle your deck.

"I called for the help of the Dúnedain, and their watch has doubled..."
Gandalf, The Fellowship of the Ring
Sara Biddle

Across the Ettenmoors #56. Leadership.

Dúnedain Message

This card is a bit self-evident, but worthy of a review to highlight the merits. Angmar Awakened introduced player side quests, and another set of them were added with The Haradrim, all of them with appreciable benefits. This event means that, if you have access to , you can find any side quests you may feel like including, no matter what sphere, to tailor to what you may need at any given time. If you are running Thurindir or Thalion, Dúnedain Message is an easy way to power them up faster, as well as Iârion for Angmar Awakened's campaign mode.

At 1 resource in the richest sphere, it's not much of a burden to include, aside from just the deck space. Additionally, with the Signal trait, it can be fetched with Weather Hills Watchman. I wouldn't say this card should convince a deck to run side quests, but if your deck has a couple of side quests and has access to , this card is worth considering.

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