Dunedain up the Anduin

Questlogs using this decklist
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Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Scooby Doo and the eerie Eyrie. 8 2 2 1.0
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Mr. Underhill 3964

This is a combat-oriented Dunedain deck that I used in a very fun game of Journey up the Anduin from the Wilds of Rhovanion box. If you want to use this deck I recommend pairing it with a questing deck that runs shadow cancellation. You will have a lot of fun engaging all the enemies and defending them while your partner looks on worriedly during the combat phase.

Here is a video of it in action against Journey up the Anduin: https://youtu.be/2N8NN1nPqNY

On reflection I would probably drop Bartering and 1 Vigilant Dúnadan and replace them with Dúnedain Watcher just to have a way of stopping game-ending shadow effects.

It certainly isn't a tier 1 build but it sure was a lot of fun to play! I hope you enjoy it if you use it. Just try not to die or threat out >:)


Mar 02, 2019 Melkata 3

This had to kind of be seen to be believed... you had insane numbers of enemies engaged at once, yet still managed to pull it off! Pretty impressive, though I’m not sure I could keep track of everything going on.