Host of the Galadhrim

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
Con of the Rings - Thranduil's Angels (Now totally legal) 4 2 0 3.0
Inspiration for
None yet.
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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This is the final version of my Silvan deck that I ended up playing for all of the climactic quests at Con of the Rings 2019. As part of a four-player fellowship this deck defeated The Battle of Carn Dûm in both regular and nightmare modes in addition to scoring a win and defeating both achievements in the The Siege of Annúminas.

Hobbit-sense is a proxy for the forthcoming event Host of the Galadhrim. It was a great clutch play in Siege but the other climactic quests were over so quickly I didn’t really have enough allies out to make it worthwhile.

While the hero lineup is completely different than the previous versions the bones of the deck are largely the same. This deck worked best when one of the other decks gave Steward of Gondor to Elrond and Nenya to Galadriel. The Elvenking actually doesn't go on any of these heroes - it went to a ranged deck running Legolas. Note that this deck is extremely dependent on Steward of Gondor.

While previous versions played Greenwood Archer in the combat phase to ready Haldir of Lórien, this version uses it as a means of allowing Galadriel to provide her card draw/threat reduction and still use Nenya.