Two Hunters

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Taking the Nightmare to Isengard
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The Purple Wizard 1157

This deck was built to partner with TheChap's deck "Pursuing Nightmares" against the nightmare version of "The Uruk-hai" in our Nightmare Campaign.

Gildor Inglorion is taken captive at the start of the quest and ultimately plays no role in how the deck runs. This is meant to be a two hero deck, with fellowship Aragorn alongside every other turn. (Elrohir is in Chad's deck as a high-priority ally.) I decided to try out the spoiled (but not yet released) contract "Forth, The Three Hunters!" Here's the text on it:

Side A:

Your deck cannot include ally cards.

Each of your heroes can have 1 additional restricted attachment. Reduce the cost of the first restricted attachment you play on each of your heroes each round by 1.

Refresh Action: If each of your heroes has at least 2 restricted attachments, flip this card over.

Side B:

Each of your heroes can have 1 additional restricted attachment and gets +1 for each restricted attachment on it.

Action: Exhaust this card to heal 1 damage from each of your heroes.

A crazy, powerful card, I was curious to see how well it would work with two heroes. You'll have to watch the playthrough to see how it did. (The main change I'd make in retrospect is to drop Wait no Longer for 3 copies of Open the Armory.)

Also worth noting: it was Anduril I had in my deck, not Glamdring,