A basic silvan deck

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This is a basic silvan deck i created. I'm fairly new to the LOTR LCG, so any tips or advice on the deck would be greatly appreciated. Below i have given the reasons for my choice of heroes to give a generally idea of why i picked who i did.

This deck uses Thranduil as his ability to get silvan allies out from your hand during the combat phase is really nice. It means i can include cards from a few different spheres and the abilities of allies( like the Greenwood Archer) as they suddenly become a lot stronger. He also has a good amount of starting defence and can take a hit from a six attack enemy right of the bat. Once you equip Ancestral Armor to him he becomes a really solid defender.

Celeborn is in this deck as his ability is really nice, as every ally (apart from Gandalf) is silvan. I found that it came in handy more times than i originally expected. He is also a solid three questing character which is always useful.

Glorfindel is in this deck for a number of reasons. Firstly i wanted a spirit hero for threat reduction and encounter deck manipulation. Then, his starting threat of five is handy as it means i'm able to scoot past a few enemies at the start of the game until i get a bit more geared up. I also wanted someone with a decent amount of attack as Celeborn would probably be questing and Thranduil defending. The three questing is also useful, as on some scenarios you need a lot of willpower to get through them, and this deck doesn't include an abundance of high willpower allies, since most of them are just strong hitters.