Single Core Series: Foundations of Stone

Questlogs using this decklist
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TheChad 12839

This is the deck I used in my Single Core Series to defeat Foundations of Stone

The video can be found here:

The fan-favorite quest was skipped in my initial progression because most players find this quest challenging but fun. Hard, but not impossible.

I was really bummed that I did not get Háma into any of my decks so this seemed like a great opportunity to use him. His ability to replay events (limit 3 times per game) is really fun once you get one of your desired events in hand. For this build, I wanted to replay Hail of Stones to take out these annoying goblin enemies. Many shadow effects will add a goblin to the staging area, so if I can kill a revealed enemy before it attacks me, I avoid this. Quick Strike is another great target for his ability. It almost makes sense to keep a wimpy enemy engaged with you and take the attack as a threat increase (Frodo's ability) so you can grab a event on demand when you need it.

When I get washed away in the quest, perhaps replaying a copy of The Eagles Are Coming! to get some more allies in hand could be a clutch play.

Glorfindel and Frodo Baggins provide the and access to to help with some Ancient Mathom card draw and resource acceleration via Imladris Stargazer/Zigil Miner.

Happy Questing!