Allies Come and Allies Go

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FattyBolger 203

This is a slightly revised version of the deck I used for Solo League 59 over at boardgamegeek.

The deck is based around Imrahil's and Lothiriel's ability to bounce allies into play, and it's super fun to pilot, giving you lots of decisions to make. Thanks to Erestor, you always have plenty of cards on hand, and allies like Glorfindel and Imladris Caregiver give you something to do with any extra cards in hand.

The deck is packed with high-cost allies to take advantage of Imrahil and Lothiriel. I was tempted to use Éomer instead of Denethor, but his ability isn't very useful in a high-threat Bond of Friendship deck. And Lothiriel does just fine with the Gondor and Noble traits. It's quite possible the deck would be stronger with Spirit Glorfindel instead of Lothiriel, but it wouldn't be as fun to pilot.

A few highlights and tricks:

  • You can use Imrahil to pull a high-cost ally into play, then, if you don't need the ally for combat, use it with A Very Good Tale. When play-testing, I was often able to get 2 high-cost allies into play this way.
  • Eventually you'll run through your deck, allowing you to play Beorn (and use his powerful ability) every round for as long as the game lasts.
  • If you pull [Guardian of Ithilien](/card/12144) or [Mablung](/card/144005) with Imrahil, it's a little like getting a free [Feint](/card/01034), since you can push an engaged enemy back to the staging area.
  • There's more threat reduction than you might think, since you can use [Dwarven Tomb](/card/01053) to recycle [Elrond's Counsel](/card/04059), playing it up to 4 times (and potentially more, once you reshuffle with Will of the West).
  • Once Denethor is loaded up with [Gondorian Shield](/card/06005), a [Dúnedain Warning](/card/02026), and [Armored Destrier](/card/12059), he can defend for 6 twice each round. And if you have [Imladris Caregiver](/card/12008) in play, you can easily heal him if he does get dinged a little.
  • Thalion is remarkably good, since--thanks to Erestor--you'll see those side quests faster than you normally would. I've playtested the deck around a dozen times and managed to get Thalion + a side-quest into play every game.

It's not a S-tier deck in terms of power, but it's still quite strong and very fun to pilot.


Jul 15, 2023 Sfrug 370

I'm confused about how you could re-play Beorn every round.. If he's shuffled back into your deck, wouldn't be be drawn on the next round? He doesn't have any traits in common with.Lothíriel, Prince Imrahil's ability only works with cards in your deck, and you surely won't have 6 tactics resources every round.

Jul 15, 2023 FattyBolger 203

@Sfrug You're right, my mistake! I should have known better, b/c I playtested the deck many times and never had a Beorn loop. You can sometimes get at least one extra play out of him at the end though, since by the time you've run through the deck, Thalion is a usually hero (giving you five resources per round, if your heroes have survived), and The Storm Comes makes it so you don't need a resource match. Of course, by that point it's usually a "win more" situation anyway.