The Slowest Deck Ever

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Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

bhuster 630

Do you like to take your time when playing this game? Do you like to take a really long time? Do you live your life according to Treebeard's immortal words, "Now, don't be hasty!"

Well, then I have the deck for you! This sucker will reach competitiveness in about 8 turns (maybe less)! Your primary source of resource acceleration is the venerable Vilya, a must-see when mulliganing. The contract can help add resources at the cost of some threat increase, but these are some hefty allies!

We've got some card draw and pseudo-card draw in Daeron's Runes, Entmoot, and Imladris Stargazer. Once you get them active, your allies are quite powerful.

The deck is pretty simple to pilot. Use the contract to generate resources and pay for Ents and attachments. Use Vilya + Imladris Stargazer + Unexpected Courage to pump out other high-cost Ents. Build up a board state and march forth to conquer!

I'd recommended using this deck in solo, unless you want to annoy your playgroup. Have fun!