Terrible to Behold

Event. Cost: 1.

Response: After you declare a Noble character as a defender against an attack made by an engaged enemy, return that enemy to the staging area. Then, cancel the attack.

So great a power and royalty was revealed in Aragorn...that many of the wild men paused, and looked back over their shoulders to the valley, and some looked up doubtfully at the sky. The Two Towers
Jason Cheeseman Meyer

A Storm on Cobas Haven #111. Leadership.

Terrible to Behold

Terrible to Behold? More like, terrible card to put in a deck. (Got em.)

Ok, in all serious, my main problem with this card is that you still have to exhaust a defender. To me, there's no point in canceling or preventing an attack if you still have to exhaust a defender anyway. It would have been worth it to me if you could play it after you saw the shadow card so that you could cancel an attack that you know could destroy your hero, but as written you have to play it before revealing the shadow card, so for all you know you could just be wasting a card and a resource. It seems to me like a slightly better version of A Light in the Dark that is at the same time slightly worse. Did they intend for it to be used with hero Denethor, who came out earlier in the same cycle? He's the only Noble hero in the Dream-chaser cycle. But his 3 means he probably needs this card the least out of all the heroes.