This card is not as good as it looks. First of all, the price is too high. I don't even have a clue why? When you look at Feint for example, the usage is a little bit different, but I think the point is the same: stop attack of an enemy. I mean yes, moving enemy and stop enemy is little bit different, but why I should want to move enemy back to staging area, beside the situation I run boosted DĂșnhere?!? I mean it will add his threat again. Simply put, my opion is that this card is not even half-good as Feint and it cost twice as much, and they are both from core set. Or there is some great combo which i don't know about. Artwork is fine. Verdict: 3/5.
A Light in the Dark
Cost: 2.
Action: Choose an enemy engaged with a player. Return that enemy to the staging area.
The light of the torches and the fire flickered about them...
The Hobbit
The Hobbit
Erfian Asafat
Core Set #52. Spirit.

It's a bit better now traps are in the game more...simply play your trap into the staging area, then push the big nasty engaged with you back into it.
The cost still kills it though. Trap decks aren't often swimming in spirit resources.
Right. Plus in the same sphere as the traps (Lore) you have Guardian of Ithilien and ally Mablung that can both push enemies back to the staging area plus give you a body for attacking/chumping/questing.
and cost the same as or less than A Light in the Dark.
Alight in the dark is way over-costed. I've never felt the need to play this because it's much easier to just take the hit and kill the enemy. Off course if you're running Dunhere or Haldir, it becomes viable but really? However I did put it good use once on JdtA. I used Henamarth and saw a troll staring at me, so I engaged an enemy I'd hoped not to, dealt Hill Troll as a shadow card and pushed the enemy back to the staging area!
That's a great situational use for it. There are other situations similar to this that I can see this card being useful. For instance, in a shadow of the past, there is a treachery (piercing cry) that forces you to search for a black rider and either add it to the staging area or put it in play engaged with you. You could choose the latter so as not to increase the threat in the staging area that round and then push it back to the the staging area with a light in the dark before it has chance to attack you.