The Dam Bursts

Event. Cost: 2.

Play only if you control a unique character with the Ent trait and another unique character with the Hobbit trait.

Action: Ready each damaged Ent character you control.

Sergey Glushakov

The Crossings of Poros #142. Lore.

The Dam Bursts

Not sure what other people's experience with this card, but personally, I think that having an unique hobbit and cost of 2 is enough. Readying only damaged ones brings this over into "too nische" territory, unless the quests is filled with mass damage/archery effects. Most of the ones I happen to play don't, so this card is basically dead most of the time for me.

Well since a lot of Ents have ways to damage themselves (Hero Treebeard, Hero and Ally Quickbeam, Beechbone, Derndingle Warrior) and other are often sent to defend I think it's not too difficult to find a good time to use it. My main gripe with this card is the 2 cost, I find the other restrictions enough, but 2 cost in the most resource-starved sphere is harsh. For 2 resources I would have expected at least a global effect. — Alonewolf87 2457