Another very good Guarded attachment, one we can always know the kind of card it will be guarded by which let us plan how to deal with it. And since Spirit has basically the most tools to clean locations it can often be trivial to clear it. It can also act as a very good cleanser of the encounter deck when we know there a lot of nasty enemies/treacheries left inside. Almost always worth it and that's besides strange shenanigans involving Vigilant Guard and those "one damage to each character" treacheries.
Mithril Shirt
Artifact. Item. Armor.
Guarded (location).
Guarded (location). Attach to a hero. Response: When attached hero is dealt any amount of damage, reduce that amount by 1.
-The Hobbit
The Fate of Wilderland #152. Spirit.

An excellent attachment that can be cleared pretty quick if you have some location clearing effects in play. It goes on any hero other than Beorn with no restrictions and thematically works best on in-spirit Frodo who can always soak damage into threat but now can take one less every time. Also good on sentinels, multi-readying heroes like Boromir and softer HP Hobbit allies to help keep them alive.
i 've been playing the Weather Hills for the last few days, and i can chime in on its usefulness. the last game i counted how many times its effect was triggered: six times, not including combat. that kind of utility is amazing. just what Spirit needs. so whenever i go into an archery quest or a heavy direct damage quest like the Weather Hills, and i'm questing with Spirit, then the Mithril Shirt will be a go-to for its utility.
i'm surprised.