Am I thinking correctly that this card functions the same way The Galadhrim’s Greeting does? At first, I was only focused to make it work as an engine for drawing tons of cards, but now I realized that it can actually keep you in Valour mode for a very long period of time. It can reduce your threat by 9, which is pretty awesome for mono leadership decks.
Also, since it says "set" your threat, it doesn't specifically reduce it like The Galadhrim's Greeting, making it incredibly overpowered in quests with the Dire keyword.
@AlasForCeleborn, are you certain? Going 30-->40 counts as "raised", so it seems that going 49-->40 should be "reduced".
What I wanted to say is that it basically allows mono leadership decks to reduce their threat instead of using overused conbos such as Sneak Attack & Gandalf. I’m not sure about the wording and how it will affect certain quests.
That’s quite interesting though, it makes the card even better. I’m almost 100% sure that setting your threat to a certain level is different than reducing/increasing your threat.
Caleb clarified that "reducing your threat" includes all instances where your threat level goes down in number, no matter which verb is used "set", "reduce", "lower" and so forth. So using this card in a Saruman deck with 45 threat would only bring you down to 44 due to Saruman's effect
Nice catch, thanks for the clarification.