Hungry Creature



Cannot attack or be attacked. Immune to other card effects (except for The Riddle-game).

Forced: When Hungry Creature is dealt a shadow card, look at it and note its . The engaged player may discard a card from their hand with a matching printed cost to place 1 progress token on The Riddle-game. Otherwise, place 1 damage token on The Riddle-game.


ALeP - The Shire's Reckoning #23. Neutral.

Hungry Creature

Ah, the Hungry Creature! Bane of riddlers everywhere, always lurking, waiting to gobble all the cards in your hand... or an unlucky hero.

Anyhow, can I discard an encounter card that's in my hand, such as "Lost in the Wild", as a 0-cost card? Lost in the Wild says it cannot be discarded by player card effects, but Hungry Creature is not a player card.

kjeld 709
Yeah, you can discard Lost in the Wild as a 0 cost card to Hungry Creature's Forced effect — Alonewolf87 2449