The Burglar and the Bowman

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Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
3 Hunters - Rider, Burglar, and Bowman 3 2 0 1.0
Bilbow Bags 'Em 0 0 0 1.0
Riders of Go Ham 0 1 0 1.0
Card draw simulator
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In Play
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Hollowbandit 90

I wanted to make a deck that uses Bard and Bilbo.

I don't know if its even good but it looks fun.

let me know what I can do to make it better.

I wish I could pick a more thematic third hero, but I believe Fastred is necessary for the deck to function.

Basically he kicks enemies back to the staging area for Bard and Bilbo to deal with. Bard should be able to dispatch lots of enemies with Straight shot and his undervalued ability. The low threat should constantly keep enemies in the staging area too. Just use Bards signature weapon to attack them. Hands upon the bow is also there to help. Bilbo sneaks in to finish off enemies that bard damaged as well.

I just love the book the Hobbit so much. It was the first chapter book I read as a child. This deck reminds me of that amazing story.

Thanks for taking a look.


Apr 07, 2019 Steinwill 80

hey awesome lineup of heroes! I always appreciate when one uses uncommon heroes like Bard the bowman! this looks to be a really fun deck!

Apr 07, 2019 Hollowbandit 90

Thanks! I wanted to try and get some use out of Bard. He's such an epic character in the books. I think he has some good synergy with Bilbo.

Apr 07, 2019 Wandalf the Gizzard 2535

I think this hero lineup would be very effective in multiplayer! There probably isn't enough willpower in it for a solo game, though.

Apr 07, 2019 Hollowbandit 90

Yeah I agree its probably best in a 2 player game. Bard more useful in a 2 player game as well.