Power of Silver: Mirror, Harps, Rings, and Mithrandir

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Power of Silver: Mirror, Harps, Rings, and Mithrandir 1 0 0 2.0
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Fëanáro 3

Fëanáro has a newer deck inspired by this one: Power of Silver: Mirror, Harps, Rings, and Mithrandir

Designed to be an extremely flexible deck. Has the ability to go solo, but becomes even more powerful in tandem with a companion deck. Has the tools to deal with almost any situation (Locations, When-Revealed effects, Shadow effects, Conditions, and more!), and yet can also Defend and Attack without of course compromising its function of being a Questing powerhouse. Some resource generation is there to help you ramp up more quickly. It also includes card draw and a relatively cheap card base, so you should be able to play through your deck pretty quickly. But it also includes the Harps to negate the downside of the Noldor discard mechanic, and with the Mirror and an occasional Word of Command, you should even be able to get the cards in the order you need! The staple gimmick of this deck, however, is major Threat reduction, as it is designed to build toward keeping Hobbit box Gandalf in play permanently, and using all his stats and tools to full effect! Remember that Galadriel gains Lore when equipped with her ring, so the Necklace should go on her for maximum resource versatility. Also, don't forget that both the Silver Wizard's Staff and the Magic Ring are multi-option tools, enabling you to choose the benefit that you need currently and preventing you from getting stuck. And, while there are a variety of events to help you deal with whatever arises (and a Will of the West to bring them back if needed), the true power of this deck is in its Attachments. If you get all those in the correct places, and are cancelling every Shadow card that is dealt, you are laughing! Overall, this deck should enable you to delay and maintain until you can get a few key allies out and suit everyone up with their attachments; after that, you are an unstoppable force of Nature (and Noldor!) that should be able to sweep past all challenges!