Quest if you Dare (Competitive Encounter deck)

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

TheChad 12877

Shocker! This in not a real player deck.

Below is the deck Joe and Chad made for the Con of the Rings Competitive Tournament.

Stages from The Woodland Realm.

Stage 1: Captured by Spiders

Stage 2: Ambushed at Night

Stage 3: The Forest of Great Fear

Encounter Cards (* indicates a proxy or 3rd set is needed)

3 Spiders of Mirkwood

2 Dark Bats

3 Goblin Snipers*

1 Spider of Dol Goldur

3 Wicked Spiders*

3 Giant Spiders

3 Pitch Dark Thicket

1 Labarynthine Woods

3 Oak Wood Grove

3 Forest Gate

2 Necromancer's Reach

3 Exhaustion

3 Massing At Night*

2 Weighed Down

Video of Chad and Joe playing against it:

How to pilot this deck.

This deck is designed to exhaust characters and then punish you for having exhausted characters. Assuming you are using this deck in the competitive format they should be trying to beat it as fast as possible. Advancing to stage 2 without a properly set board-state is deadly. Literally. During the tourney we saw multiple heroes leave play the round the team advanced.

Stage 1: Start out with a Spider of Mirkwood and Dark Bat in the staging area. During the Game: If you can add enemies to the staging area, do so. When they travel to the Spider Den always grab Wicked Spider

Stage 2A: Massing at Night is usually terrible, A Wicked Spider is horrible as well. Remember, when they advance every enemy in staging is most likely engaging them, so look at the 'when engaged effects'.

Stage 2B: No optional engagements, enemies get -10 engagements cost. So, if they were not prepared for this it is possible someone will engage enemies that make them discard an exhausted hero, or take undefended attack(s). Not being able to optionally engage really hits hard here.

Stage 3A: Again, an enemy if that makes sense or take away action advantage.

Stage 3B: If nobody has threat at 38 or more, grab a Goblin Sniper. Since there is no doomed cards in this deck that is very likely. If someone is at 38+, we included one copy of Spider of Dol Guldur. Or grab an enemy who's engagement effect could hurt.

Our challenge to the community: what is the least amount of rounds you can beat this in?