Braving the Mirkwood

Questlogs using this decklist
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Fellowships using this decklist
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None. Self-made deck here.
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Card draw simulator
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Sarus85 121

The second deck to match with the girls gone wild deck I built for Hannah to play another quest with. As usual she had the more quest orientated deck while I went with Tactics to combat any enemies we might encounter. This time changing it slightly to give her a taste of Lore while I had the leadership side.

As she had Eowyn and Lanwyn, I choose Brand and Theodred. So there is a thematic tie as much as there could be. So this deck has lots of attachments and some allies with a sprinkling of events. Mainly sneak attack, feint quick strike ect. Whilst making use of other leadership staples in Faramir and Steward of Gondor.

I tried to keep the theme of Dale and Rohan where possible with allies and attachments but allowed gondor as well since Beravor was with the other deck and obviously being Dale elements I allowed some dwarfs since Erebor is likely to be involved he it allows or equipment so there is a theme of sorts with the two decks combined together.