Saved by the Elves

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Card draw simulator
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

MrSpaceBear 987

This is a toolbox support deck that excels at helping all players to draw cards, heal, and gain resources...while contributing to combat and questing. It also makes some terrifying conditions (which few decks are able to combat) the least worrisome cards in the game.

Starting Hand: In order for the deck to function well, Lothiriel needs an Elf-friend. Getting one on Prince Imrahil is also great, but not as critical. Keep any hand with Elf-friend, and mulligan any hand without it. Use Beravor to dig for Elf-friend if needed. When it is found, use her to give cards to other players (or dig for Elrond).

Lothiriel & Imrahil: The deck is built around the ability of both Lothiriel and Imrahil to put allies into play for a phase. Almost all the allies have great "enter play" effects. Since the allies only stay in play for the phase, it is possible to put them in during the quest phase (getting the "enters play" effect), shuffle them into the deck, and draw them again with Imrahil. This leads to some very fun options. The most fun one is probably Elrond.

Elrond: When he enters play, all players choose to either draw a card, heal all damage from a hero, or discard a condition. The last option is rarely chosen, but in an encounter where conditions are common (such as the Easterling-heavy scenarios), Elrond can turn some very intimidating enemies into push-overs. Other conditions can have very detrimental effects since they often can not be discarded...essentially take out a hero, providing a lasting effect (if they attach to a quest)...and Elrond has no trouble with those either. Healing is a great option, and the deck frequently takes small undefended attacks since it can heal 3 damage with ease. Card draw is pretty common. It is very common to put Elrond into play 10-12 times per game with this deck.

Damrod & Derufin: Damrod can be quite fun in this deck. There is an action window to discard him, lowering your threat for each enemy in the staging area, after resolving the quest. This can lead to some massive threat reductions. If you reveal an enemy or two, advance stages causing you to add another enemy or two, and then discard Damrod (who you brought in for free), he can lower your threat by a ton. It is not uncommon to get reductions of 6 or 7 in back-to-back rounds. Derufin doesn't do quite as well, but using his ability after bringing him into play with Prince Imrahil is great.

Faramir: Sometimes you do not want to engage an enemy but can not handle leaving the threat in the staging area for the next turn. Faramir helps to delay for a turn when you need to engage an enemy. If one comes out, simply leave it in the staging area rather than engaging it. Then bring him into play during the quest (or combat) phase to pull the enemy and its threat out of the staging area.

Beorn: If Imrahil gets a chance (and you are engaged with an enemy), bring in Beorn. Always feel free to trigger his ability to attack for 8 before shuffling him back into the deck. In this deck, you want Beorn in the draw deck, so if you draw him and do not need the questing power/"enters play" effects of other cards, recycle him back into your deck with Lothiriel if she is a "Mighty Warrior."

Other: Most of the other "enters play" effects or allies are pretty obvious. Add resources from Envoy of Pelargir to whomever needs them most based on your hand. Use the Silvans as needed. Jubayr, Legolas, Glorfindel, Haldir, etc. are great to get in the combat phase with Imrahil, even if they do not have an "enters play" effect. Feel free to hard cast them late in the game if you get enough resources.