A Functional Solo Dunedain Deck

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Card draw simulator
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Swordthatwasbroke 734

This deck wont blow you out of the water with its power, but it's a viable and fun Dunedain deck for solo play. It can handle most quests, but you wont want to use it against any of the boss scenarios.

To begin with, you want to mulligan for Heir of Valandil, Guardian of Arnor, or Sarn Ford Sentry, in that order. These are the staple cards of the deck. Other cards that are also helpful in your opening hand are Steed of the North, Hauberk of Mail, or Coney in a trap. The beauty of this deck is that it does not necessarily need a low attack enemy at the beginning of the game. With Hauberk of Mail Amarthuil can defend a decent sized attack from turn one, and Coney in a Trap can cancel one outright. Once you have an initial enemy engaged, the decks starts to get going. Halbarad and Berevor should be able to keep your threat stable for a few rounds, though you wont be placing much progress. If you are fortunate enough to draw Steed of the North, Berevor should be able to quest every round, otherwise you will have to choose between that and her ability. It should be possible to get Heir of Valandil out by round 3 or 4; by then you should have drawn around 8 to 12 cards using Berevor and/or Sarn Ford Sentry. Ranger of Cardolan is also very useful early game for combat assistance, and late game for questing. It's important to note that the first three or four round you will pe placing minimal progress, so focus on getting the Dunedain benefits up and running. After a few turns when you want to start questing, Faramir is not essential but of course very helpful.

Sideboard: These are the cards that will be more quest specific. For side quest heavy scenarios, sub out Ranger of Cardolan for East Road Ranger. Then, any attachments you think you'll need should be subbed out for Wait No Longer. Woodmen's clearing is included because Gandalf is the only source of threat reduction, though he is generally enough.